सबै श्रेणियाँ


If not, maybe you remember the Ovalizer? It is an amazing tool, which allows in creation of variety of designs. It can turn regular shapes into ovals with The Ovalizer. This means it can take circles, squares and triangles + many other shapes and turn them into completely different shapes! Its like a wizard taking place in front of you!

    Transform traditional shapes with Ovalizer

    You can turn any type of form right into an oval with Ovalizer. This is more than handy if you want to create something unique as a picture frame or even an entertaining necklace! The idea is, you have a circle and now you want an oval but perfect frame for the picture. How it works is very simple: you start with any shape as long as its manageable by the ovalizer, throw it on your project and squish that dood down to an oblong roundrect or other styled oval. It's so simple anyone can do it! Not doctor or grownup level, but something even kids can use and have some fun with!

    Why choose SBKJ SPIRAL TUBEFORMER Ovalizer?

    सम्बन्धित उत्पादन कोटिहरू

    तपाईले खोजिरहनु भएको कुरा फेला पार्नुहुन्न?
    थप उपलब्ध उत्पादनहरूको लागि हाम्रा सल्लाहकारहरूलाई सम्पर्क गर्नुहोस्।

    अब एक उद्धरण अनुरोध गर्नुहोस्

    सम्पर्कमा रहनुहोस्